+1 (573) 690-0952 ebbandflow.nurse@gmail.com

Bio Frequency Scans

Introduction For Scans

The Body is the Miracle

As we unravel the design, form, and function of the human body – cell by cell, tissue by tissue, and organ by organ – we are humbled by the miracle of the complete human organism. When nurtured with care, the body exhibits astonishing resilience for a long and healthy life. when neglected, the body breaks down and experiences degeneration. So, how do you know if you are nurturing or neglecting your body?

What If you had access to revealing and relevant information about your body – an owners manual of sorts? What if technology existed that would empower you with knowledge to live your best life?

Your Body Is Electric

Science has discovered that every cell, tissue, and organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency and vibration (Brett J. Earl M.D. Psc.D iMD). Over the past 50 years, leading scientists from around the globe have cataloged thousands of Blueprint Frequencies – frequencies that are the same in every healthy human being.

AO Scan Technology by Solex

Solex has compiled a database of over 120,000 unique Blueprint Frequencies. Information is collected by the AO Scan device in 3 ways.

1. Bioresonance Recognition

This method utilizes a Transducer Headset positioned in front of each ear to collect the targeted information required.

2. Bioresonance Comparison

This process recieves resonating frequencies and then compares them to the corresponding Blueprint Frequencies and determines any varience.

3. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

This function transmits sympathetic vibration back into the body to encourage each cell, tissue, organ, and system to move toward homeostasis.


AO Scan is an elegant yet simple technology that ccommunicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals that guide you toward homeostasis – the natural state of balance. AO Scan Technology comes from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia, and the USA. This technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Maria Curie, and others who theorize that everything physical, at its most fundamental level is actually light, energy, and frequency.

$50, Includes vital scans summary

Think you can beat a lie detector test? Think again. Your voice will always
tell the truth, whether you want it to or not. Did you know that your
thoughts and emotions are carried in your vocal chords? No amount of
masking your voice can change that fact. Our Inner-Voice scan is derived
from the same technology as a lie detector test. The Inner-Voice program
helps harmonize your emotional state by improving concentration,
creativity, and emotional intelligence.

The inner voice scan provides 4 mp3’s of balancing harmonics that you can listen to with a touch of a button from anywhere….home, work, school, car.  These harmonics are relaxing and a perfect match for you based on your scanning results.  Listening to these harmonics 2 or 3 times a day can promote a feeling of overall well being.


The Body Systems scan performs a complete and thorough scan and optimization of hundreds of Blueprint Frequencies associated with 13 body systems. This scan complements the results provided in the Vitals and Comprehensive scan to specifically highlight body systems that need support. To conduct the Body Systems scan, you will need to use the Bone Conductor Transducer Headset. The Body Systems scan generates a 27-page data report. The report includes a specific analysis of each body system.

CIRCULATION – Educates about the circulatory body, circulatory vitals, circulatory causes, circulatory emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

CONNECTIVE TISSUE – Educates about the connective tissue body, connective tissue vitals, connective tissue causes, connective tissue emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

DIGESTION – Educates about the digestive body, digestive vitals, digestive causes, digestive emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM – Educates about the endocrine body, the endocrine vitals, endocrine causes, endocrine emotional cause, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM – Educates about the lymphatic body, lymphatic vitals, lymphatic causes, lymphatic emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM – Educates about your musculoskeletal body, musculoskeletal vitals, musculoskeletal causes, musculoskeletal emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall

NERVOUS SYSTEM – Educates about your nervous system body, nervous system vitals, Nervous causes, Nervous emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM –Educates about your respiratory body, respiratory vitals, respiratory causes, respiratory emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

SENSORY NERVOUS SYSTEM – Educates about your sensory nervous body, sensory nervous vitals, sensory nervous causes, sensory nervous emotional causes, and suggestions to improve your overall

INTEGUMENTARY (SKIN) SYSTEM – Educates about your integumentary (skin) body, integumentary (skin) vitals, integumentary (skin) causes, integumentary (skin) emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your system.

URINARY BODY – Educates about your urinary body, urinary vitals, urinary causes, urinary emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

CHROMOSOMES – Educates about your chromosome’s body, chromosomes vitals, chromosomes cause, chromosome’s emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.

HUMAN CELL AND MITOCHONDRIA – Educates about the human cell and mitochondria body, the human cell and mitochondria vitals, the human cell and mitochondria causes, the human cell and
mitochondria emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system.


The Vitals Scan mode of the AO Scan Technology™ performs a complete scan of over 550 Blueprint Frequencies associated with each bodily function and performs the analysis in under three minutes. This specific scan is a concise snapshot of the Blueprint Frequencies in relationship to the frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, glands, and systems of the body. Additionally, this scan allows you to scan your pets’ vitals! This scan can be used on horses, dogs, and cats. The Bone Conductor Transducer Headset is not needed when performing a Vitals Scan on your pet.

BLOOD REPORT – Covers a range of blood measurements and displays frequency levels in range and out of range.

CHAKRA REPORT – Displays whether a person’s chakra centers are off-balance. The report displays each category as frequency levels in range and out of range.

GASTROINTESTINAL REPORT – Displays the balances or imbalances of the Gastrointestinal System frequencies. It displays frequency levels in range and out of range.

MERIDIAN REPORT – Displays the imbalances of the 12 Meridian lines. Meridian lines are the energy lines that can be low (blue), normal (green), or high (red) functioning.

NUTRITIONAL REPORT – Displays normal or deficient measurements of mineral, vitamin, amino acid, and enzyme frequencies of the body.

PHYSICAL FUNCTIONALITY REPORT – Displays frequency levels in range and out of range associated with a person’s bone, muscle, brain, and cardiovascular health, physical ability as well as hormones, immunity, and organ health.

TOXICITIES REPORT – Displays positive or negative frequency levels of toxicities, including possible allergies, bacteria, fungus, heavy metals, and man-made toxins.


The Comprehensive Scan technology performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes. The Comprehensive Scan provides a graphical report that displays
variances from blueprint homeostasis ranging from 1 to 9. Numbers 1 to 4 represent underactive or hypofunctioning frequencies. Number 5 represents the optimal stage of blueprint balance. Numbers 6 to 9 represent an overactive or hyperfunctioning frequency. Frequency optimization will pick up anything out of range and will generate canceling frequencies that will help your organs and system achieve a state of homeostasis (complete balance). This mode of technology offers a comprehensive library of information that is constantly being upgraded.

ORGANS AND CELLS REPORT – Covers the cerebral cortex, brain sagittal, pancreas, prostate, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood, meninges, adrenal, cells, digestive system, skin, thyroid, gastrointestinal, chromosomes, basal ganglia, breasts, female sagittal, mitochondria, rectum, reproductive system, stomach, and urinary.

VEINS REPORT – Covers the head, upper body, lower body, arms, and legs.

SKELETAL REPORT – Covers the skull, teeth, spine, ribs, arms, legs, pelvis, hands, and feet.

NERVES REPORT – Covers the brain, head, upper body, lower body, legs, and arms.

CONNECTIVE TISSUES REPORT – Covers the spine, eyes, hips, shoulders, elbows, feet, and knees.

BODY PARTS REPORT – Covers the muscles, head, arms, legs, hips, torso, neck, heart, ears, and lymphatic system.

ARTERIES REPORT – Covers the head, arms, upper body, lower body, and legs.

$25 per session (remote or in person,
personalized pellets)

The Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (SEFI) technology is designed to capture, amplify, and imprint subtle energy frequencies, and can either broadcast or imprint those frequencies into any element or item like homeopathic pellets. The broadcasting and imprinting categories included in this technology are:

CUSTOM PLAYLIST – Wide selection of audios to imprint or broadcast frequencies simultaneously or individually. Playlists can be customized according to the different programs in the SEFI Module.

QUANTUM REACH – Wide selection of categories to imprint or broadcast specific frequencies for emotions and body functions.

QUANTUM FREQUENCY – Wide selection of categories to imprint or broadcast frequencies for specific physical functions.

QUANTUM AFFIRMATIONS – Wide selection of affirmative frequencies to balance emotions.

QUANTUM FLOWERS – Frequencies extracted from a large variety of flowers to target emotional issues.

QUANTUM CHAKRAS – Seven different chakra frequencies to balance energy.

QUANTUM HOMEOPATHICS –HomeoEnergetix frequencies extracted from flowers and other natural elements.

INNERGY HOMEO-ENERGETIX – A combination of HomeoEnergetix and energetic frequencies.


Have you ever wished you could talk to your pet? Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what your pet is feeling, both physically and emotionally? Not only do they speak a different language, but animals also have natural instincts to mask their illnesses and ailments. Without expensive Veterinary visits, we must play a guessing game when it comes to the health of our furry friends. Until now! Introducing AO Scan Technology for pets. AO Scan is the industry-leading bio frequency scanner that you can now use with your pets! AO Pet Scan was specifically designed to monitor your pet’s health without having to spend hundreds of dollars on unnecessary veterinary visits. But how does it work? All cells have an ideal frequency level at which they vibrate, and our pets are no different. AO Pet Scan analyzes your pet’s body to read which frequencies and emotions are out of balance. It then offers optimizing frequencies to gently nudge the out-of-range frequencies back into a balanced state. Immediately after the first scan, you can play harmonizing tones to align your pet’s emotional state. After a few scans, you will be able to compare the data from your pet’s reports and begin to identify trends in those reports to determine changes needed in your pet’s food, environment, and general lifestyle. You will also be able to see any big problems in your pet’s scans that warrant a trip to the Vet. AO Pet Scan provides peace of mind for you, the pet owner, and optimized health for your furry best friend. Try it today and give your pet the gift of a long and healthy life!

 iTeraCare (STM)

Check out this video to learn more about iTeraCare

Charged Water

Regular drinking of the Charged Terahertz Water 💦 helps to enhance human cell activity, reduce blood viscosity, expel waste and toxins, repair every cell, and make it more healthy and vigorous. THz water possess a single water molecule that makes it easier to pass through cell membrane water channels with kinetic energy 💥. This quick, high penetrating force has strong dissolving power. After entering the body, its constant resonance with the cells then transporting more nutrients, minerals and oxygen that are beneficial to the body. It then enters every corner of the 🧬cell, so that our cells are filled with clean, vibrant and nutritious liquid molecules. This can greatly promote the growth, development and activity of the cells. This is why Thz water can aid in beauty and moisturize our skin. At the same time, the nutrients that cannot be completely absorbed by the cells and the fats, cholesterol and other substances stored in the body will be dissolved and excreted. The result, the body’s detoxification system gets a serious upgrade!

The 7 Functions

Able to detect blockage, inflammation and tumor within our body – Pain, burning and tingling sensation will be felt on problematic areas – According to Traditional Chinese Medicine: blockage will cause pain, no pain means no blockage

🎯Principle : Tera Hertz frequency can penetrate the skin by 20-30cm (7-11 inches). Thus, it is able to reach bone marrow. Blockage areas will be painful

After using iTeraCare for a certain period, abnormal cells will gradually shrink and disappear, the pain will gradually lift

🎯Principle : Tera Hertz wave vibration is the same with our normal cells, abnormal or mutated cells will absorb much of the Tera Hertz energy and will be eliminated. It is recommended to consume warm water or treat the water with Terahertz by blowing it to the water jar for 3 minutes before using iTeraCare to help eliminate unhealthy cells

After using iTeraCare, the body will feel more comfortable and energetic

🎯Principle: Normal cells will absorb Tera Hertz energy and moderately increase in temperature and dormant cells will be activated – According to Ancient Greek Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, If there’s a way to heat the bones, then all diseases can be treated.

Using iTeraCare over areas of our body daily will help enhance regeneration of our cells.

🎯Principle:Terahertz frequency has the same resonance with normal cells, It induces and strengthens the DNA organic molecules by enhancing self repairing body cells

Using iTeraCare on lymphatic areas will help to cleanse blood impurities and inner body, improve blood circulation , removing clots and soften our blood vessels

🎯Principle: Tera Hertz wave dilates our blood vessels, reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity, improve blood circulation and prevent diseases

Stimulate acupuncture points, improve Qi circulation, improve blood circulation and increase metabolism rate

🎯Principle: Tera Hertz frequency resonates with our normal cells, improve blood circulation, clear meridians and strengthen our body.

Using iTeraCare on our body will clear unnecessary body moisture, balance our body acid and alkaline.

🎯Principle : Normal cells will slightly absorb Tera Hertz energy and increase temperature moderately to warm our body and unhealthy body moisture will be cleared.


The iTeraCare device blower is not a medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care practitioner. Users understand that they use the iTeraCare blower at their own risk. 😇 Always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare blower, nutrition or physical activity. 😊 THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMITMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY.

Sunlight and sauna

Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy $20
3 for $50 | 5 for $75 | 10 for $130
$5 charge per session for extra person

Sauna Benefits


Truly relax and de-stress. Step into your peaceful wellness sanctuary and experience therapeutic heat that leaves you feeling physically restored and mentally refreshed.


Stay healthy. The natural preventative properties of Sunlighten’s patented heating technology helps your cell health and overall immunity.

Weight Loss

Increase metabolism. Burn calories. Far infrared sauna wavelengths in all Sunlighten saunas create a passive workout, stimulating sluggish metabolism and improving fat burning.

Heart Health

Strengthen your heart. Infraredsauna therapy acts like a passivecardio workout,which helpsyour heart by improving circulation and even helpingreduce blood pressure

Muscle Recovery

Recover faster. Infrared helps deliver more oxygen to muscle cells for faster repair and pain relief.


Renew your skin. Harness a scientifically proven “fountain of youth” and revitalize your skin’s appearance. Near-infrared LED technology increases collagen and elastin. Far infrared waves increase circulation, helping regenerate cells.


Sweat better. It’s one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health. Sunlighten’s high-quality infrared promotes effortless, deep, productive sweat.


Fullscript Online Store

 I have a good variety of the top needs that are revealed in the AO Scan™. If you can’t make it into the store or want to check the prices of the supplements you currently purchase, check out my on-line offerings where my clients get 10% discount!  

Doctor’s Supplement Store

Quality Matters! Pharmaceutical-grade nutraceuticals excel in potency, purity and absorption, while eliminating artificial ingredients, allergens and toxins.

You can vivit the online store by clicking the “Link To Store” button. Use registration code TR2945

You can also order by phone toll free by calling 877-846-7122, Option 1 between 8 AM and 6 PM Central Time. There is an available Auto Ship Program that offers FREE shipping and %5 off (after initial enrollment), and a rewards program that offers future savings by earning points!

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